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A Sense Of Place

The New, Neighborly Architecture

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Nationally recognized for its excellence in planning and architecture, Tannin is creating a pedestrian-oriented neighborhood not unlike those found in our most cherished turn of the century small towns.

Over the past few years, there has been a growing surge of affection for these older, historic neighborhoods in our country. It is more than just nostalgia for the look of the old houses; it is a noticeable difference in the way residents socialize and interact within these communities.

The traditional neighborhood design and planning concept on which Tannin is based is called new urbanism by some and the “new, neighborly architecture” by others. Regardless of the name, the new urbanism movement is creating walkable, diverse, compact towns and neighborhoods that enable residents to enjoy a higher quality of life by offering new choices for living. Buildings with a mix of uses, human scale and interesting design contribute to attractive and inviting neighborhoods and are vital to the creation of vibrant and friendly neighborhoods. Creating new places with the remarkable charm of our carefully preserved historic districts is possible when developers and architects adhere to the authenticity found in the planning principles of new urbanism.

The Village of Tannin is proud to be among the first traditional neighborhood developments in the country. In spite of initial skepticism, the sheer beauty and success of Tannin contributed to the emergence of this movement.